Directed by Vijay Kenkre, the play also stars Shashank Ketkar, Maadhav Deochake, Varsharani Patel, Sushil Swami and Virajas.
Both stars agree that one cannot take parenthood for granted because it is a privilege to raise children who are empathetic, self-sufficient, caring, rooted in strong values and yet free-spirited enough to fly wherever their dreams take them.
Darshan Jariwala opines, "Well, since the pandemic, the delivery mode of content and especially theatre has undergone a change
Zee Theatre Shobha Yatra’ and 'Seven' will explore the meaning of freedom, nationhood, and citizenship.
These insightful and relatable stories will be screened from 27th to 31st of December, on Tata Sky Theatre to signal the end of an eventful year.
Smita Bansal, Mayuri Deshmukh, Ratan Rajput and Mita Vashisht discuss personal resolutions
It is directed by Akhilesh Jaiswal, the teleplay stars Anil Mange, Pawan Chopra, Brijendra Kala, Anjum Sharma, Vikram Kochhar, Namya Saxena, and Sharmila Shinde and will air on Airtel Spotlight at 2 pm.
I owe so much to theatre as it has not only helped me as a performer but also as a human.
Watch the first promo of 'Yaar Julahay' starring Mahira Khan here.
Mahira Khan will be reading 'Guriya', a classic story by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi.
These special teleplays by Zee Theatre can be seen through D2H Rangmanch Active, Airtel Spotlight, Dish TV and Tata Sky Theatre.
'Gidh' will star Sana Jafri and Rasti Farooq in the lead roles.
The play tries to develop a discourse on what is feminine identity and how it is being manipulated
The new plays on Zee Theatre are all about dilemmas of social and personal nature with extremely relatability.
Both the plays airing on Zee Theatre perfectly encompass the exceptional vision of Vijay Tendulkar.
Zee Theatre brings you an enthralling new teleplay titled 'Gidh' from the neighbouring country, Pakistan.
Aahana who has been the part of the play from almost a decade, finds the experience of playing Sarla to be particularly transformative