Permanent Roommates is now an audio show!

All the episodes are available on the website called audible by Amazon. It is a popular producer as well as a seller for spoken audio entertainment, information and educational programming.

Permanent Roommates

One of the most liked web series, Permanent Roommates by The Viral Fever is returning with the third season! But it is going to be very different from its first 2 seasons as the show has released in the form of audio. It’s titled “Permanent Roommates: He Said, She Said” will have 20 episodes in total.

It will feature minor tales from the beloved couple Mikesh and Tanya, played by Sumeet Vyaas and Nidhi Singh as they move in together. The show is themed on issues like daily life inconveniences or relationship banters. The original cast members have been chosen to voice their characters for the audio series.

All the episodes are available on the website called audible by Amazon. It is a popular producer as well as a seller for spoken audio entertainment, information and educational programming.

Check out the trailer below: