Pankaj Tripathi needs no introduction. We’ve known him as Sultan, Panditji, Narottam Mishra and Atma Singh to name a few. This multifaceted actor has been leaving his mark with each new film he signs, and one such role is ‘Salim’ in the film Mango Dreams. The film is directed by John Upchurch and Pankaj Tripathi plays a Muslim auto rickshaw driver who forms an unlikely friendship with a Hindu doctor as they cross India in search of the doctor’s childhood home.
Mango Dreams is Pankaj Tripathi’s first international feature film for which he won the Best Actor Award at the Capetown International Film Market and Festival in 2017. The film is releasing on 15th March on Netflix UK and will be making its way to Indian homes soon.
Apart from this, the actor will also be seen in Vikas Bahl’s upcoming Super 30, he will be playing the lead antagonist against Hrithik Roshan and will also be seen with Rajnikanth in Kaala and with Rajkumar Rao in Stree.