Akshay, Sidharth and Sonakshi shot the promotional song of their upcoming Film Ittefaq. The track, ‘Ittefaq Se’, is a reprised avatar of ‘Raat Baaki’ from Amitabh Bachchan-Shashi Kapoor’s ‘Namak Halaal’, released yesterday. The original song’s first stanza, which ended with ‘Pyaar Se’, has been aptly replaced with ‘Ittefaq Se’, in keeping with genre of the film — a rebooted version of Yash Chopra’s 1969 suspense thriller of the same name.
The video features the directorial debut of Abhay Chopra without any dance moves.They’re instead seen in their on-screen avatars, in accordance with the film’s mysterious theme.
The song will be part of the rolling credits of the film, which has a runtime of just 100 minutes. After an intriguing trailer, the makers have kept their fingers crossed for the response to the only song from the otherwise songless thriller