Noted actors Sugandha Mishra and Sanket Bhonsale who previously starred in the comedy reality TV show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ took to their social media to share a piece of joyous news with their fans. Together they announced that the couple is engaged to be married. Along with the announcement they shared beautiful pictures as well.
As they posed for the photo, in the caption Sugandha wrote, “Forever love #life #soulmate #gettingmarried #hitched #forever #blessed and #powecouple” Both of them also dressed formally in a lavender dress and a black suit paired with a T-shirt of the same colour. Whereas on Sanket’s picture, he said, “????? ?? ???????? ❤️?
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As per the reports, both of them began dating one another back in 2017. Sugandha is not only a comedian but also an anchor and a playback singer. Whereas Sanket is known for his comedy with a touch of mimicry.