Noted actress from the television industry, Surbhi Chandna took to her social media handle to react to the recent news about Instagram getting banned in India. Surbhi was quick to make a reel on a song while writing in the caption that it might be the last time she is doing it due to the app getting banned.
Once it was confirmed that the app isn’t getting banned, Surbhi celebrated the occasion yet again while mentioning that she will be making a ton of reels. She was seen posting consecutively in her Instagram Reels section since then.
Check out Surbhi Chandna’s newest Instagram Reels here:
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Surbhi was last seen ruling over television screens through her role of Bani Singhania in the 5th season of the supernatural series ‘Naagin’ on Colors. She also starred in the music video titled ‘Bepanah Pyaar’ that released on VYRL Originals.