Actress Shalini Kapoor who is popularly known for television shows like ‘Qabool Hai’ and ‘Swaragini – Jodein Rishton Ke Sur’ enjoys a day out after a long with her sister Malini Kapoor. Malini has flaunted her charm in ‘Dekho Magar Pyar Se’, ‘Devi’, ‘Sindoor’ and Y.A.R.O Ka Tashan.
Shalini and Malini shares a friendly bond in their sisterhood. They even look similar. Shalini cares for her younger one too much and is even more protective for her.
Shalini shares in a statement, “Me and Malini are more friends then to be termed as sister. I care for her lot. We mostly plan our outing together but as it wasnot happening since a long. We went to watch play at Prithvi Theatre. We enjoyed the long running play ‘Shatranj Ke Mohre'”
She continued, “We where invited by Rakesh Bedi as he was performing. On the other hand I love seating at the cafe their enjoying the irish coffee, the book store. I simple love the place. I and Malini really enjoyed our times.”
Shalini is married to television actor Rohit Sagar now seen in Naagin2 on colors. Malini is married to actor Ajay Sharma.