Everyone’s favorite Jodi and former Bigg-Boss contestants Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill recently left for Punjab to shoot for a brand new music video with music sensation Tony Kakkar. The trio has been sharing many fun new images and videos from their trip in Chandigarh.
In a recent video, Sidharth along with Shehnaaz and Tony could be been having a great time with one another as they danced to his new song ‘Nach Meri Laila’. Their fans have been quite observant of these clips and have been trending “SidnaazInPunjab’ on Twitter.
See the video here:
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Laila by my bro @tonykakkar ❤️ @shehnaazgill @anshul300 @raghav.sharma.14661
Here are more pictures and videos from their shoot diaries here:
Post their time in the Bigg Boss house. Both Shehnaaz and Sidharth, popularly known as ‘Sidnaaz’ have continued to make headlines owing to their impeccable bond. They have previously starred together in another music video known as ‘Bhula Dunga’ by popular singer Darshan Raval. They also appeared in the recent season of Bigg Boss. While Sidharth came as a senior into the competition, Shehnaaz was a weekend guest.