It would be safe to say that former Bigg Boss contestant Shehnaaz Gill has one of the strongest fanbases. On her Instagram account, she had a live session this Sunday to chat with her avid fans. She also revealed what she has been doing lately and answered a lot of their questions. One such question was about the ‘tuada kutta Tommy’ clip that went viral on the internet last year which was helmed by the emerging composer Yashraj Mukhate.
During her live session, it was the first time Shehnaaz candidly talked about the viral trend and expressed how she felt. She mentioned. “Sadda Kutta..Kutta, Tuada Kutta Tommy is what I said on the show. I was so shocked but also happy to realise that everyone made it so viral.” She hilariously added, “Kya karu main mar jau?”
See the live session here:
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