Mumbai: Zee TVs’ Service Wali Bahu (Village Boy Productions) is currently revolving around high voltage drama. It was already reported by media that Jogeshwar plots against Santoshi so that Payal does not gives her salary to Santoshi. However, Payal comes to know about Jogeshwar’s intention and maintains her trust towards Santoshi.
As always Jogeshwar again has some evil plans, what it is?? Lets read it out..
If our sources to be believed, In the coming episode Jogeshwar (Atul Shrivastava) will bring a Baba with him but Payal (Kratika Sengar) will come to know about his wrong intentions. They will know that the Baba is fake, so with Dev’s help she will expose this Dhongi baba.
For sure, it will turn intresting. For more updates keep reading!!