Gurmeet Choudhary has a hectic schedule ahead. The actor has signed up for a reality show ‘ I can do that’ that kicks off this month and soon, he will also begin shooting for his next film. He admits that multitasking will be a real challenge, but he feels that though it is difficult, it is not impossible.
“I am what I am because of the small screen. In India, television is a wide-reaching medium. It gave me my debut film, Khamoshiyan. Mukesh Bhatt’s wife was my fan when I did daily soaps. I want to be the first actor who smartly juggles between TV and films, like they do in the West,“ says Gurmeet, adding, “Hollywood is more homogeneous, where subject takes precedence over medium. I inspire myself by believing that if Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan can manage both TV and films, why can’t I?“ The double whammy will be physically exhausting for him, but he is bracing up for an exciting ride. He says, “I train for at least seven hours every day . I regularly practise gymnastics, kick-boxing, swimming and dancing to stay fit.So, physical fatigue won’t get to me.“
Quiz him about his next movie and he says he can’t divulge anything about it. “But I can tell you that it’ll give me a chance to work with the stars I’ve grown up idolising. The first leg will be shot outside Mumbai. It would’ve been easier if I didn’t have outstation schedules, as I would have moved easily between sets. But luckily, my producers have been very supportive. In fact, the stuntmen from the reality show will train me in fire acts and other stunts for the film as well,“ says the actor.