Mumbai: The current track of Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls on & TV, is revolving around Chadda. Dabbu (Sukirti Kandpal) has made a video of him troubling people around. She gave the video to Dylan (Amir Ali) for publishing it, in hopes to bring the real face of Chadda in front of the entire public.
As per our sources, Well in the upcoming episode, the video of Chadda will create lot of misunderstanding between Dabbu and Dylan. To know how read below:-
“Chadda will come to know about the video, he will send his boys to steal that cd. However, Dylan with his brilliant mind will arrange to get the right cd and will publish it another day. Dabbu will be glad to see the video out in public and will reach Dylan office to thank him. But the scenario will change as Dylan will shout on her and will ask to leave the office. Out of all this chaos, Aseem (Waseem Mushtaq) will take advantage of the situation and will convince Dabbu that he has published the video of Chadda, not Dylan.”
What made Dylan shout on Dabbu and will she get impressed by Aseem?
To know more keep reading!!!!