Pankaj Tripathi, a household name after performances in Bareily ki Barfi, Newton, Anaarkali ki Aara and Gangs on Wasseypur was seen spending time with the prisoners of the Gopalganj jail. Hailing from the same town in Bihar, Pankaj Tripathi was invited by the District Magistrate and the Jailer to interact with the prisoners. He was invited for an interactive session with the 300 convicts at the Chanawe prison.
The actor spoke to the prisoners about ‘putting in the effort of leading a better life once they are released from prison. He also informed them about the rehab centers all around the state to help prisoners re-join society.’
While speaking about the inspirational session that he had with the prisoners Pankaj said, “I was delighted when they invited me to spend the day at the jail. It isn’t every day that prisoners ask and want to interact with someone. I was honoured and humbled that they listened to my suggestions and discussed their lives with me,” He mentioned how it was an emotional experience meeting these prisoners that also included women prisoners with children.
The District Magistrate, Rahul Kumar (IAS) invited Pankaj to visit the jail. Over 300 prisoners ate lunch with the ‘Gurgaon’ actor as they discussed the state, the city and Pankaj Tripathi’s success story.