Mumbai: Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor has again locked the headline in relation to their relationship and this time the couple has not been spotted alone at any place but yes this time the couple has been seen ‘Khulaam khulla’ with Kapoor’s family over dinner at Bandra.
Earlier, it came under media headlines that the couple is staying together and Ranbir has taken a new apartment where the couple is living happily.
In this special dinner treat we have seen Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, Randhir Kapoor, Krishna Raj, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor and many more.
Few days back it came with a hint that the Kapoor family is not ok with the Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif relationship but now finally, it seems that the things are working for Katrina Kaif and everyone in the family seems comfortable with Katrina.
Here are few pictures of Katrina Kaif and Kapoor family dinner at Bandra: