Mumbai: Bollywood top celebrities Anil Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra’s will soon be seen together in upcoming movie Dil Dhadake Do. This seems to be the most awaited project of the year as movie Dil Dhadake Do stars Anushka Sharma, Ranveer Singh, Shefali Shah, Anil Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar. Along with this after a long interval of time Farhan and Zoya Akhtar are working on the same project together.
Well, the official trailer of the movie will be released on 15th April but this time actor Anil Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are very active on the social networking websites and the fans are very much engaged. Just with an aim to maintain the fans interest and excitement for the movie trailer Priyanka Chopra and Anil Kapoor had got some beautiful T-Shirts with a message for fans club.
The first T-shirts had a message – “3 days to go” for the trailer and it was not just a day but yes another day we again got to see the actor wearing a T-Shirt with different message “2 Days to Go”.
Anil Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra were looking wow in the beautiful and funky Tees. It’s just one day left and let waits for another picture and we are sure the fans are again going to love it.
As per the close sources, on 13th April night team Dil Dhadake Do was at Anil Kapoor’s house for watching the official trailer of the movie.