A recent special screening of the Arjun Kapoor-Shraddha Kapoor movie Half Girlfriend saw an unusual synchronization of minds that flummoxed...

Arjun Kapoor plays a Bihari, Madhav Jha in Half Girlfriend which is directed by Mohit Suri…. In order to get...

When Shraddha Kapoor was signed on for the cinematic adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s Half Girlfriend, many doubted if the actress’...

Mohit Suri’s upcoming film Half Girlfriend, which is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s eponymous novel, explores the `in-between’ status of...

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Mohit Suri’s highly anticipated – ‘Half Girlfriend’ starring Arjun Kapoor in the lead role, as a National level Basketball player...

Mumbai: Badlapur actor took to micro-blogging website Twitter to clear the air on his presence in the film, which is...

Mumbai: From the Director of ”Aashiqui 2”, Writer of “2 States” and Producer of ”Ek Villain“ comes a love story,...

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