Mumbai: Star CJ alive and VLCC come together yet again to present the second season of ‘Be The Girl’, a Facebook beauty and intellect contest. It’s an opportunity for every girl to be recognised for their most prized assets – Beauty and Intellect. The contest kick started on February 24, 2014. The last date to submit your entry is February 28, 2014. The contest will be hosted on the official Facebook page of Star CJ.
‘Be The Girl’ aims at selecting a girl who has the ability to integrate the combination of beauty and brains in the best possible manner. The selection would be made on the following criteria:
· Confidence that they sport in their Facebook picture submitted as an entry for the contest
· Wittiness and intelligence in their answers to the contest questions
· Popularity based on maximum likes each user would get for the submitted entry
The judge for the contest will be Sugandh Sharma, Winner of ‘Be The Girl’, 2013 and also, a show host on Star CJ alive.
The winner of the contest will be awarded with a chance to be clicked by professional fashion photographer and a chance to host a show of Star CJ alive. Over and above that, they will be showered with VLCC gift hampers.
Follow these simple steps to get a chance to ‘Be The Girl’, 2014 –
· Share your interesting photos on your Facebook timeline
· Caption the photos by completing the phrase “I want to #BeTheGirl because….”
· Tag STAR CJ’s Facebook page in your caption
· Invites friends to like your photo