Pooja Chopra is all set for her next big project with Akash Goila, whose last directorial venture ‘Dum Dum Dumroo’ won accolades all across the globe. The budding director has roped in Pooja Chopra for his next project which is going to be his first digital feature film.
Speaking about his film, Akash shares, “This will be my first feature film and just like my previous films, even this one is going to be a dark humor. We have roped in Pooja Chopra and about the lead actor, I can’t reveal much but he is a renowned bollywood actor and will be seen in a triple role in the film. We will soon be announcing about other cast too.”
The film will have a social message and also a pinch of romance.
Pooja Chopra who was last seen playing a pivotal role in Sidharth Malhotra- Manoj Bajpai starrer “Aiyaary” is also known for winning 8 national and international titles in a single year. Talking about the digital feature film, she says, “I have known Akash for long and when he discussed this project with me, I knew I had to be a part of it. This film is a rare gem and this kind of cinema comes far in-between so you can’t let go of such an opportunity. I’m very sure that this film will leave an impression like his last film Dum Dum Dumroo.”
Akash Goila made his directorial debut with Vinay Pathak starrer “Dark Brew”. His recent short film was ‘Dum Dum Dumroo’ boasts of stellar performances from a topline cast and both his films together have garnered more than 8 awards and has been selected in more than 26 film festivals, with premiere in Dubai and screening in Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival, California.
It won awards in the categories of best actress; best Producer at CKF International Film Festival, Best dark comedy short and Best Thriller Short at Independent Shorts Awards and Finalist at Changing Face International Film Festival. Dum Dum Dumroo has also been selected in lot of eminent festivals including Auckland International Film Festival, CKF International Film Festival, International Shorts Film Festival, Rome Independent Prisma Awards, Rome Elephant Film Awards, Silver Screen for Short Films Festival, Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival, Virgin Cinefest, Kolkata, 2018, Calcutta Cult Film Festival, Kolkata 2018 and 4th NEZ International Film Festival (NIFF)
The festival authorities at different eminent places have strongly recommended the film. It has also been praised for capturing a strong emotion, despite its eerie feeling and manages to convey a strong social message.