Anninditaa Dasgupta from Kolkata, has previously directed Bengali movie titled ‘Bandh’ with cast inclusive of renowned names from Bengali film industry like Soumitra Chatterjee, Kharaj Mukherjee, Debdut Ghosh etc.
Now she is making her presence felt in the Bollywood industry through her maiden Hindi production under the banner ‘Aam Public Entertainment’. The project started in 2018 and the pre-production work is underway.
As a true believer that film making is an art of telling interesting story to the audience in a captivating manner Anninditaa chooses a unique perspective to convey a socially responsible message through her work while entertaining the audience through witty dialogues, a gripping story line and a captivating tightly narrated script that has become her signature style of film making.
The story revolves around a money based game show around a young lad of today’s era who believes that money is everything. As the story progresses, through a series of events that are funny yet, soul stirring and at times tragic, the audience is taken on a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts. Then as the story unwraps slowly, it reveals that the money is valueless compared to other many important things in life. However in today’s world we never understand this.
In this story the message that is conveyed is that we all should value life and its gifts more than money and must avoid the rat race to be richer money wise for there are much better alternates to make a sense out of one’s life. We all know that whatever we earn throughout our lives will remain in this mortal world and one day we will leave this world in the same manner that we arrived, stark naked without anything. So what is this ever raging inferno of greed for money all about? Is it valuable or not?
Annindita keeps the storyline well paced and the strength provided to the characters provide an interesting view to the audience of all genres. It also raises points to ponder for the audience about the way we shape our lives.
The story is well paced with occasional comic reliefs, a fast paced screenplay with professionally done story line, editing that makes the screenplay sleek and enchanting for the audience. The backdrop of the urban social life makes the script realistic and naturally acceptable, which anybody can relate to.
Overall a cinema worth watching not only for entertainment but also to proceed in a positive way to introspect and if possible realize the dormant evil in us and take corrective actions to become better human beings towards a better society. This would be the true success factor of this cinematic presentation, if the makers through their cinema can change even one life towards betterment.