Awaited film ‘Class of ’83’ released recently on Netflix. This film marks the digital debut of Bobby Deol and it delivered efficiently. The story revolves around Vijay Singh (played by Deol), a policeman who finds himself in a training academy for police due to a punishment posting. He ends up teaming a squad consisting of 5 men in order to fight crime the right way in Mumbai.
Set in the 80’s era, the makers did thorough research to make everything look appropriate for the authenticity for this period drama. The pacing of the film is also commendable since it runs smoothly over the duration of 98 mins with nothing appearing to be overpowering or monotonous. Although the film is of the fiction genre, it is highly inspired by the real-life atrocities in the dark world we live in and showcases it aptly.
Bobby Deol’s debut in the digital space is quite promising he binds the film together with his strong sense of morals and the willingness to do what has to be done for the right reasons. Apart from him, Joy Sengupta, Vishwajeet Pradhan and Anup Soni have shined immensely well in the characters they have played to depict the pessimism in the film.
So all in all, ‘Class of ’83’ is a good watch and will keep you on the edge of your seats with its great direction, strong performances and heroic plot. We highly recommend you to watch this cop-thriller.