Once again, the world of digital media went abuzz with Shahid Kapoor’s look as Maharawal Ratan Singh in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati. The look is designed and styled by none other than couturiers Rimple & Harpreet Narula.
“There is tremendous research that has gone behind every costume that Shahid will be seen wearing in the film,” says Harpreet Narula. “He portrays the ruling king of Mewar from the 14th century. For his garments, we sourced organic fabrics from Rajasthan which were then embroidered by hand by 22 local artisans. Remaining true to the textiles and techniques available then, we have only used pure muslin cloth at the base with vegetable dye or hand dye. The strong colour palette, associated with masculinity, is balanced with brighter colours, since Rajasthani outfits are all about colour.”
Known for their researched-based designing, the duo is happy that Padmavati gave them the opportunity to extend their study into the textiles and styles of that era through the life of Rani Padmavati who was a Singhalese princess, married to the Mewar king and eventually defeated by a Turkish ruler. Samples of antique textiles and costumes from that period are dispersed in various museums all over the world. The designers have spent most of last year collating all the necessary information from several visits to the Calico Museum and other museums in Jaipur.
On working with Shahid, Rimple says, “Shahid is a true exemplar of warmth and charisma. It’s easy to see why Mr. Bhansali has chosen him to portray Maharaja Ratan Singh. He is princely presence even off screen. He gets under the skin of the character so effortlessly and carries the royal look very well. We’ve never seen him in an avatar like this. I’m sure the audiences will be blown away by his performance.”