With the controversial case of infamous Sheena Bora murder mystery is been geeting framed as a bollywood movie, Ek Kahaani Julie Kiis. The movie itself is disturbing the mindset of people in Assam in India. As Rakhi Sawant is into it. And rakhi claimed that Assam’s Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is her ‘good friend’. Interestingly, Gogoi has denied even knowing Rakhi.
“I have also told my wife that I do not know Rakhi Sawnt well and that I have not met her on many occasions as she said. So I do not think that should be problem between her and me,” smiling Gogoi concludes.
On the other side, The hot and young bollywood actress Mahika Sharma who is also one of the popular northeast model from Assam and adding a pride of her social face. Actress now working on her interest to upbring her Assamese culture either in national television series or in Bollywood movies. The gorgeous and beautiful girl who is always in gossip for her Indian look, wishes to showcase ‘Mekhela Chador” and “Bihu Dance” on worldwide view via telly series and movies.
She regrets that Indrani hold the power to introduce assamese culture and its beauties worldwide. But she failed using it. Talking ahead Mahika adds, “I feel shame on Indrani Mukerjea being a former HR consultant and media executive. Even after being the wife of Peter Mukerjea, who was retired Indian television executive. she also co-founded INX Media with her husband, where she took on the role of CEO in 2007 but she couldnot even bring the assamese culture in focus. This proves she was not even a loyal dauther too. After being in power she couldnot work for her birthland Assam.”
Later talking about the upcoming movie on Sheena Bora murder mystery. Mahika states, “People keep thinking that Assam is one of the terrorist area and never try to explore it. Instead of clearing this view of them. Upcoming movie by Avadh Sharma who is planning to produce it is based on the infamous Sheena Bora murder mystery for Chetna Entertainment will make viewers more puzzled about people of Assam. I would never let it happen that the scenario of Assam should come up worldwide with such criminal story based movie. Government should think about it.”
By: Siya