The country celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi on 5th September 2016. While every one had their traditional way of welcoming Ganesha, Meet Bros welcomed their Ganesha in its glorified ‘Rockstar’ avatar.
The musical duo who are known for their real and reel life rockstar image, welcomed their symbolic Ganesha amidst the who’s who of the TV and music industry. Neha Kakkar, Mouni Roy, Kishwar and Suyash, Shilpa and Apoorva Agnihotri, Deepshikha Nagpal and many more friends from the industry dropped in to seeks blessings from their uber cool Ganesha. “We had identical Ganesh idols in both our houses.
We had thought of ‘Musical Ganesha’ as the theme and we’re ecstatic that our friends appreciated and loved the,” says Manmeet Singh.
The brothers Manmeet Singh and Harmeet Singh believe that bringing Ganesha home wards off negativity and brings happiness and prosperity. “The two days of celebration brings family and friends together. I’m glad that Meet’s Bros Ganesha’s was loved by all,” says Harmeet Singh. With the pictures of Ganesha wearing sunglasses and playing the guitar, has already gone viral. It was indeed another hit concept from MB.