Bengali Filmmaker Anninditaa Dasgupta during a media interaction on Tuesday said, she would love to experiment with new genre’s everytime
Anninditaa who is debuting in Hindi cinema was asked what kind of projects would she like to work on, “I would like to make films that have a unique approach every time. Films that have a new story to tell on different subjects and maybe even exepriment with a new genre every time.”
Dasgupta is making her presence felt in the Bollywood industry through her maiden Hindi production under the banner Aam Public Entertainment. The project started in 2018 and the pre-production work is underway.
When asked about the signification of the Production house name she said, “I am making film for Aam public, not making a film just for my satisfaction. If I made a film for myself I’d rather make it on mobile and see at home with my family. When I am making films for Aam public I think this name best suits and reflects the motivations and ideology behind my production company. And I also consider myself as Aam public.
Anninditaa who is currently gearing up for her debut Hindi film said the film is based on a social message. “This is a social message oriented commercial film. The plot talks about if money is valuable or not?? It is a game show oriented commercial film. About the film’s shooting I will let you know soon as we are still in the pre production phase.
She added, “When it comes to casting, a lot of factors depend on mutual understanding, commercial point of view and work time synchronization. When these 3 criteria are fulfilled by an actor, I am ok if the person on the other side is a celebrity or a new comer to the industry. I am happy to work with them who are professional in their work.”
Anninditaa Dasgupta from Kolkata, has previously directed Bengali movie titled Bandh with cast inclusive of renowned names from Bengali film industry like Soumitra Chatterjee, Kharaj Mukherjee, Debdut Ghosh etc.