Navi Mumbai saw the first-of-its-kind LIVE and UNPLUGGED event at the recently opened Seawoods Grand Central Mall. Well-known singers and internet sensations, Papon and Jonita Gandhi, captivated and engaged with the audience in an incredible manner. Never before has Navi Mumbai experienced a musical evening as grand as this within the premises of the mall. The audience got a chance to hear Papon perform on Moh Moh ke Dhaage, Bulleya, Humnava etc, whereas Jonita presented her renditions of Samjhavan, Tum Hi Ho, London thumakda and several more.
Owned by Nexus Malls, Seawoods Grand Central debuted with this Unplugged Live event to give the people of Navi Mumbai a feel of what to expect in coming days and months. A string of such musical extravaganzas will keep up the tempo at Seawoods Grand Central Mall — making it the must-go-to entertainment and fashion destination of Navi Mumbai.
On the occasion Mr. Nishank Joshi, Chief Marketing Officer, Nexus Malls said; “We take great pleasure in coming with idea’s that could create great experiences. As a part of the process, we chose to give Navi Mumbaikars an in-mall experience that could transform their perception about what could be done at a mall. An Unplugged event with Papon & Jonita Gandhi is one such attempt. Music has always been one such binding force and with the luxury of having an atrium of this size, I am certain that we will give Navi Mumbaikars a new reason to be coming to malls.”