In India, every Friday at least 2-3 films try their luck at the box office window. There is a lot of
hardwork and research that goes into getting any movie on the celluloid. However, more often than
not they have to subjected to threats and protests when they are planning to make an honest film.
We have seen movies like Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Udta Punjab, PK etc face this in the recent past. The
latest to come under the scanner is the upcoming movie Indu Sarkar that is directed by award
winning director Madhur Bhandarkar. The movie is set on the dark period of Indian democracy –
Ever since the trailer of the movie has been shown to the public, there have been many objections
being raised by members of the Congress demanding to see the film and even asking for it to be
banned even without giving seeing it. The Congress leader Haseeb Ahmad of the Congress party
expressing his displeasure at the movie trailer has issued a poster, which promises to pay people Rs
1 lakh rupees to whoever who puts black ink on Madhur Bhandarkar’s face.
While there are plenty of people who come in and demand for freedom of speech and expression
but when movies on historical and true facts are made they are usually faced with a lot of hue and