The teaser of KriArj Entertainment’s next with Shree Narayan Singh will formally be launched on the auspicious occasion of Diwali. While there has been massive anticipation surrounding the film ever since its announcement, the makers will finally launch the teaser of the movie on 19th Oct, 2017.
Headlined by Shahid Kapoor, the film is a lighthearted but impactful social drama that every Indian citizen will relate to. Since the film is based on the issue of astronomical light & electricity bills that citizens face, the makers thought it ideal to launch the title and teaser of the film on the festival of lights.
The film is co-produced by T- Series , with the concept by Vipul Rawal and screenplay and dialogues by Garima and Siddharth .
Says an inside source, “ KriArj Entertainment as a studio has always backed subjects and issues that still plague the nation. Toilet Ek Prem Katha was a satirical comedy in support of governmental campaigns to improve the sanitation conditions, with an emphasis on the eradication of open defecation, especially in rural areas . With this film, KriArj reunites with director Shree Narayan Singh to tackle another subject of the common man’s plight against escalating electricity bills.Together they hope to make another memorable film that reaches a wide spectrum of audiences across the country”.
When contacted said director Shree Narayan Singh, “ The subject of the film is very relevant to our times. Diwali makes just the right occasion for us to “bring light” on a subject that needs to be discussed . We look forward to making a film that is both commercially entertaining and encourages an impactful social conversation”.
While rumor had it that the Shahid Kapoor starrer was titled “Roshni” , official sources also reveal that the official title will also be announced on Diwali. The casting of the film is underway and the makers will also soon announce the film’s leading lady.