It was recently announced that Alia Bhatt starrer Dear Zindagi will hit theater screens on the 25th November and producers Jayantilal Gada and Mahesh Bhatt had a conversation about not releasing the two films together.The makers of Kahaani 2 then decided to shift the date of the suspense thriller drama to 2nd December.
Said Mahesh Bhatt, ” I have known Jyantilal Gada for several years now and we are like family. Both Kahaani2 and dear Zindagi are unique films and deserve a solo release.And it will also help both films in the long run.”
When contacted said Mr. Jayantilal Gada , “Bhatt Sahab is associated with us for our leading TV shows; Udann and Naamkarann but more importantly he and Alia are like family to us. There can never be any competition within families, hence I have decided to release Kahaani2– Durga Rani Singh on 2nd Dec.“
Presented by Jayantilal Gada, Produced by Kushal Kantilal Gada, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada & Aksshay Jayantilal Gada and Sujoy Ghosh, Kahaani 2 – Durga Rani Singh , directed by Sujoy Ghosh is scheduled to release 2nd December 2016.