The trailer for the upcoming film ‘Atkan Chatkan’ got released today. The musical drama film is being presented by the maestro, AR Rahman and will follow the tale of Guddu, a kid from a backward background with an exceptional talent of finding music or music finding its way towards him.
The trailer starts with a little boy who is shown to have an immense passion and willingness to go to school to learn about music. After a bit of upliftment from his friends, he begins to dedicate himself to music with whatever resources he has with him i.e. unconventional instruments. The trailer beautifully expresses that height, stature and age is no reason to not dream big.
Piano prodigy Lydian Nadhaswaram has starred as the lead in the film named Guddu and the film will follow his and his friend’s adventure. The film is directed by Shiv Hare. In fact, prominent personalities from the entertainment industry like Amitabh Bachchan, Sonu Nigam, Uthara Unnikrishnan, Runa Sivamani and Hariharan will be seen lending their voice for some of the tracks in the film.
It is all scheduled to release on 5 September 2020, i.e. Teacher’s Day on streaming network Zee5.