Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, who is known as the original ‘He-Man’ of Bollywood, will soon be seen teaming up with Harman Baweja in a special role for Eros International and ESM’s action-thriller ‘Dishkiyaoon’ and it seems that the two actors, who have a fondness for high-octane action , have got along like a house on fire.
Harman, who will be seen in a never-seen-before gritty avatar in the film, said, “I have always admired Sunny Deol and his action films like ‘Ghayal’ and ‘Ghatak’ and so getting to work with him was a dream come true. However, at the same time, I was also aware that I need to match up to his level when it comes to action sequences and I hope I have succeeded in achieving that.”
On his part, Sunny, who seems quite impressed with Harman’s action avatar, says, “Harman has really worked hard on his physique and I was quite impressed with his level of dedication and hard work. He is extremely talented and fans of the action genre will enjoy watching this film.”
Talking about the action scenes in the film, Harman revealed, “Dishkiyaoon’ will have raw powerful action that works aptly for the sequences in the film. Frankly, I had a great time working on the action scenes and I hope to do more action films in the future.”
Says Shilpa Shetty Kundra who makes her production debut with the film, “It’s a big step for me to be producing and making an action film .It’s a huge challenge and very exciting…The film’s appeal lies in the fact that it is everything an action-thriller should be…It will leave audiences entertained”.
Eros International and ESM’s Dishkiyaoon directed by Sanamjit Talwar starring Harman Baweja, Sunny Deol and Ayesha Khanna is scheduled to release on March 28 2014.