Bollywood star, Jackie Shroff is all set to star in a short film titled ‘Paath – The Lesson’. The actor took to his Twitter account to share the first look of the film. He retweeted Karan Singh Rathore’s tweet, who is the director of the film. It was a short clip which was meant to make everyone anticipated and curious about the short film’s concept.
Rathore, on his tweet, said, “Teaser of my short film ‘Paath – The Lesson’ starring
@bindasbhidu @abhilashthapli @saraarjun_ all wonderful artists and pure beings!! Spl thanx to Jackie Shroff sir for having faith in me ”
Teaser of my short film ‘Paath’ ( The Lesson’ starring @bindasbhidu @abhilashthapli @saraarjun_ all wonderful artists and pure beings!! Spl thanx to Jackie Shroff sir for having faith in me🙏🤗😇
— karan singh rathore (@therjkaransingh) July 22, 2020
The snippet of the short film featured an overwhelmed man who is upset and is yelling at Shroff for “stealing his wife”. The teaser further said that the film is about “truth and taboo”.
Apart from this upcoming project, he will soon be seen on the silver screens in films like Akshay Kumar’s ‘Sooryavanshi’ and Salman Khan’s ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’. He also previously starred in his son Tiger Shroff’s film ‘Baaghi 3’, which came out this year.