The release of Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film ‘Dil Bechara is just around the corner. The leading lady of the film and debutant Sanjana Sanghi has been posting a lot never seen before clips and pics from the upcoming film.
Lately, the title track of the film got released and it has been getting a lot of praise. The music video for it was also shot in one take. Sushant looked absolutely mesmerising in it while showing off his dance skills.
While sharing the BTS footage of the song, Sanjana wrote on her Instagram, “ “Seri, Kizie Basu?”
He’d ask after every rehearsal and all I could ever say was
“Seri, Immanuel Rajkumar Junior!❤️” on repeat. ”
The name of their characters in the film are Kizie Basu and Immanuel Rajkumar Junior.
She further added her experience about witnessing Sushant being his absolute best while shooting the song, “It was a sublime joy to witness Sushant do what he does best – be absolute poetry in motion; to learn from and along with him through our journey together.”
Apart from this, she also shared an unseen image from the movie while praising the late co-star more on her post. She expressed, “One of my absolute favourite behind the scenes moments with Sushant while shooting the scene you all love. Don’t know why, I just feel a little bit better every time I see this photograph.”
Dil Bechara will stream on Disney+ Hotstar from July 24. It is based on the book by John Green called ‘The Fault In Our Stars’. In order to honour the recently demised actor, the streaming service will make the film available to everyone, including the non-subscribers.