Supreme Bengali filmmaker Buddhadeb Dasgupta has brought together two of the most bona fide actors from the Hindi film industry i.e. Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Pankaj Tripathi for his film ‘Anwar Ka Ajab Kissa’. The film is a dark comedy that premiered on Eros Now as it skipped theatrical release amidst the time of COVID.
The trailer for the film was also released recently on Eros Now’s official youtube channel. It features Nawazuddin Siddiqui as the protagonist named Anwar who is a private detective of an unconventional kind and likes to think out of the box. After having a light tone, the trailer takes a drastic turn and features sequences of self-discovery.
See it here:
It is said that the film centres around how human minds work differently and it’s vivid and diversified nature. It looks like a ‘slice of life’ film that will surely win hearts. It released on the streaming platform of Eros Now on 20 November 2020.