Mumbai: According to the Bollywood Dhamaka sources it has been disclosed that after Screen Awards Shah Rukh Khan decide for some party sharty at a private gig in Mumbai’s Asilo, Palladium Hotel, Shah Rukh, Mika Singh, Ranveer Singh and of course Deepika Padukone grooved away the night, as Mika Singh sang only Shah Rukh’s songs. They all four danced and chatted till the view hours and the best part of the cozy night out was Mika was surprised to when Ranveer Singh sang Mika’s favorite song ‘Sawan main lag gai aag’ and Shah Rukh also said in his style Mika ‘tu Sawan main aag lgaa ke dikhana abki baar’.
Deepika seemed to be on cloud nine as she grabbed 3 Screen Awards and what better way to celebrate, with her hero, ops! I mean her first film’s hero Shah Rukh Khan and her ‘good friend’ Ranveer Singh.
One can truly feel their chemistry as Mika said, ‘You both are the best jodi of Bollywood at present,’ and one voice came, ‘Mika kya keh raha hai Main hoon na,’ when they found out it is Shah Rukh who is getting possessive for his Chennai Express co-star and all four ended into a big laughter.