The trailer has dropped for ‘Time To Dance’. The movie will be starring actor Sooraj Pancholi along with Isabelle Kaif, who is Katrina Kaif’s sister all set to make her debut in Bollywood. Fans are really excited to see a dance film which is a genre people seldom make a film on.
The trailer shows Isabelle Kaif as an avid dancer and someone who has won the ballroom and Latin dance championship for many years with her partner William. However, things go wrong when she is met with an accident and the time required to recover from it leads to not being in her best self during the time of the competition. William eventually decides to look for a new partner as it is all about winning for him.
Sooraj Pancholi’s character is then introduced as someone who decides to help Isabelle take part in the competition. The trailer also revealed that it will showcase Latin and ballroom dancing for the first time in Indian cinema.
See the trailer here:
Time To Dance is coming to theatres on 12 March 2021.