Tanusri Dasgupta, known to be the creative head of Balaji Telefilms has been tested positive. She got hospitalised on Saturday, 11 July. In a recent interview, she revealed that her oxygen levels were significantly low as she arrived at the hospital. The medical staff advised her to stay hospitalised as her mother was also test positive and was told to quarantine at home.
The Balaji representative told the media that she wishes she recovers soon as she is in good hands and the hospital staff has been treating her well.
She mentioned, “I caught a deeper strain I think, and had to be admitted. The staff here has been extremely helpful in nursing me back to health. I still have a cough due to bronchitis and am being treated for the same. Yes, it was scary for a few days, but if you are in good hands there is no fear. We all are recovering and I will be back home soon.”
Apart from Dasgupta, another prominent face from the industry was found to have coronavirus. Parth Samthaan, the leading hero of the popular show Kasautii Zindagii Kay got affected by COVID as well. He has been quarantining at home.