V2S Dance Hall, a one-stop hub to learn all the dance forms was inaugurated by Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar along with Ace Choreographer Ganesh Acharya and his wife, Vidhi Acharya today in Mumbai.
The duo, Akshay Kumar and Ganesh Acharya have created many blockbusters, whenever they have come together be it `Bala Bala Shaitan Ka Sala from Housefull 4, BamBholle from Laxmi, MaarKhayegaa from Bachchhan Paandey and many more.
Their friendship and bond have grown stronger with each passing year. Speaking at the opening ceremony today, Akshay Kumar said, “Masterji is a dear friend, his choreography elevates a song, he creates fun, signature steps which help connect with the audiences. My best wishes to the entire Ganesh Acharya Dance Studio team and I hope V2S becomes a hit dance studio not only in Mumbai but across the country.”
Elated National Awardee and ace choreographer Ganesh Acharya adds, “Dance is my life, with the dance studio, I will have the opportunity to pass on the learning to younger generation. Thank you, Akshay Kumar for always supporting and standing by me at every step..”
V2S Dance Hall will focus on creative performances, experimental techniques, improvisational dance forms, and a unique approach toward training talent from across the country and making them ready for the fast-growing Indian music and film industry. With a mission to make Indian dancers one of the best in the world.