The South Indian film industry has achieved a major milestone as it was announced that three of the films from there will be premiered at the Golden Globe Awards 2021. These films are 2019 hit Asuran starring Dhanush, Soorarai Pottru with Suriya in the lead that premiered digitally this year due to lockdown and Jallikattu, who also became India’s official entry to the Oscars 2021.
Apart from these, many other films from India were selected to feature in the screening hosted by the Golden Globes. The list was posted by Ramesh Bala on Twitter, see it here:
The following movies from #India will be screened for the #GoldenGlobes2021 Best Foreign Film Award..
– #Asuran
– #Tanhaji
– #Ludo
– #EebAllayOoo!
– #Harami
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) December 20, 2020
Asuran won 4 national awards after it’s release and was one of the most successful films of 2019. It was based on the book Vekkai, authored by Poomani. The film was inspired by the true incident of Kilvenmani massacre from 1968.
Soorarai Pottru was also a film based on an inspiring real-life quest of Simplifly Deccan founder G. R. Gopinath, which was played by superstar Suriya. It was the journey of a former air force captain whose goal is to start an airline company which is affordable to all.
Lijo Jose Pellissery’s Jallikattu was an independent action film that centred around a bull who has escaped from a slaughterhouse in a village and all the residents of that area on a journey to hunt down the animal. The film had it’s premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival 2019 as well as the 24th Busan International Film Festival.