Mumbai: A sexy seductive topless picture of Bollywood actress Sonali Raut posing with actor Ranveer Singh has resurfaced online, three years after it was shot for a magazine. The photograph has the actress showing off her bare back and bust from the side, with nothing but an underwear below; as the handsome hunk Ranveer gives a raw hungry look into her dreamy eyes.
With Sonali emerging as the most gorgeous and attractive contestant in the current season of India’s numero uno reality show Bigg Boss, the picture has suddenly caught the voyeur eyes of her fans and gone viral on the net.
When asked about the unexpected appearance of the semi-nude pic, Sonali’s publicist Dale Bhagwagar goes on the defensive in style. “Sonali is a new-age firebrand diva, so I am not surprised at people trying to get hold of every little bit of info they can find on her, while she is in the confines of the Bigg Boss House,” he remarks.
“The picture in question was aesthetically shot with Ranveer Singh for the men’s magazine Maxim India, by ace photographer Subi Samuel,” informs the public relations specialist. “Sonali also did some smoking hot bikini shots during the same photoshoot, but somehow they don’t seem to have gone viral yet. But now, they sure will,” he noted.
In the other racy pics Dale mentions, the beauty is learnt to have worn a black and white two-piece bikini that has put her cleavage on show.