Short film titled Holding Back starring Seema Biswas, Ananth Mahadevan, Raj Arjun and many other known celebrities has received multiple awards. Holding Back is directed by Wilson Louis and Produced by Sheila Sandhu of OSH Productions.
Holding Back honored with different awards at:
– Best Indian Film California 2016 selected – Salento international short film fest held in September 2016.
– Four different categories London filmmaker film fest 2016
– Won Best Indian film Nasik international film fest 2016
– Won Best film, Best Director, Best actress IFSC Goa carnival film fest 2016
– DC south Asian film festival Washington 2016
‘Holding back’ is a short film based on a true incident took place in 1999, of Shiva, a young man suffering from blood cancer and who unfortunately, passed away during the journey while travelling by train from Bangalore to Chennai, for a friend’s marriage.