Mumbai: Actor Shahid Kapoor was under discussion in relation to his engagement with a mystery girl from Delhi and along with this it was added that the actor is in Delhi for the function while, the name or any other identity of the girl was not been added in the reports.
These were the basic information added by an active blogger over internet media and in relation to this it has been cleared in a report published by a well know media house that the bloggers information is incorrect and actor Shahid Kapoor is not in Delhi. He is not getting engaged and he is in Mumbai and getting ready for an award function tonight.
While, in the reality Shahid Kapoor was present at the Life Ok award function and he won the best actor award at Like Ok Screens Awards for his wonderful performance in the Bollywood movie ‘Haider’.
Team BollywoodDhamaka congrats Shahid Kapoor for his outstanding performance.