Mumbai: Salman Khan, who is busy with the upcoming movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan seems upset these days with people. As, earlier a message regarding his health reached the social networking site which was a rumour and this time the things were so complicated that the star need to take the help of Police.
As per the latest updates, Salman Khan was seen at Mumbai police station to file a complaint against the person who was floating a fake message against the upcoming movie “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”.
This image has got viral at different social media website and along with whatsapp groups.
In relation to this when a media person had a conversation with Dhananjay Kulkarni (Mumbai police spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner of Police) he said, “A complaint has been registered with the Cyber Cell by his aide on the messages being circulated on various social media. We are looking into it before deciding further.”
Well, the picture is very aggressive and the morphed picture has a message that the actor’s upcoming movie BajrangiBhaijaan is a hit even without his Muslim fans watching.
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