Actor Rajkummar Rao unveils an explosive and awe-inspiring trailer of Khido Khundi on social media; the movie is based on village Sansarpur- known as the Mecca of Hockey, the city which has produced 15 Olympians.
Rajkummar Rao dropped the trailer on social media. He captioned it, “Now that’s a trailer #KhidoKhundi. Congratulations mere bhai @JugrajRohit. Do watch guys.:
Khido Khundi, where Khido means a ball made of torn clothes, Khundi means a curved stick, is a film which is set at the backdrop of a village Sansarpur, known for producing 15 Olympians who brought laurels to the nation. This film, very closely, relates to the sentimental values of the village Sansarpur- known as the Mecca of Hockey.
The film features Ranjit Bawa as the protagonist; it also stars Mandy Takhar as the female lead, and Manav Vij who has played the role of the hockey coach in this film.
The film is based on the land of Punjab which gave birth to the game of Hockey. The story is not about a particular person or event, but bravado of two brothers who are passionate about the game.
This film, Directed by versatile director Rohit Jugraj, produced by Talwinder Hayre is all set to release on April 20, 2018.
As for Rajkummar Rao, the actor is currently busy with back to back releases, such as Fanne Khan, Stree, Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga and Mental Hai Kya?.