T-Series has released a fresh teaser for an upcoming song titled ‘Chhor Denge’ that will feature none other than Nora Fatehi as the leading lady. The song will also star Ehan Bhat in it. Talented composer duo Sachet Parampara who made everyone croon to the tunes of Kabir Singh songs will be producing this track too.
The teaser was of half a minute and featured both Nora and Ehan in lots of beautiful locations and clothing. By the looks of the rapid sequence, it seems as if an interesting story wil also be depicted within the music video.
See the teaser for Nora Fatehi’s Chhor Denge here:
Parampara Tandon, who is also composing the song will be singing in it while Yogesh Dubey is the lyricist. The video has been directed by Arvindr Khaira. It is being presented by T-Series under Bhushan Kumar and Gulshan Kumar.
Chhor Denge will be releasing on Youtube on 4 February 2021.