Mumbai: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma who will next be seen in Eros International, Phantom Films & her home production – Clean Slate Films’ NH10 directed by Navdeep Singh, went all out to get in shape for the part.
These days the actress upcoming movie has been under duiscussion as the movie has been awarded with “A” certificate by the censor board.
While shooting in Khejarala village in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, the actress turned producer had a make-shift gym created , which included equipment from her home gym in Mumbai, since the hotel that the team was put up at didn’t have a gym.
Sources reveal that TRX equipment and free weights were installed at the hotel in Rajasthan – Since the actress also suffered from a backache , a local physiotherapist was present on the set at all times.
When contacted Anushka confirmed the news, “The film required me to be very agile and fit to execute the role. So, getting my equipment transported to Rajasthan was the best way to ensure that it happened. I was happy that the whole unit benefited from this too.”