A new trailer of the Malayalam movie Malik just got dropped. Star Fahadh Faasil will be starring in the lead in it. By the looks of it, fans will definitely be intrigued by it and will want to know what happened next. As it is going to be a political thriller, ‘Malik’ will shed light on all the atrocities and injustices that are caused towards minorities.
Fahadh will be seen essaying the role of a charming leader known as Sulaiman who has earned love and respect from the community he lives in. The plot thickens when he brings about a revolution by calling out and fighting against the unfairness of the authorities.
See the Malik trailer here:
Mahesh Narayan is the director as well as the editor of Malik. Actors like Biju Menon, Nimisha Sajayan, Joju George, Dileesh Pothan and Vinay Forrt will also feature in the film. Malik is headed to a silver screen release on 13 May 2021.