Rana Daggubati’s upcoming film ‘Haathi Mere Saathi’ was scheduled to hit the theatres this month i.e. January 2021. However, as per a recent announcement by the makers, the release date has been delayed and the film will now be premiering in theatres on 26 March 2021. Rana also confirmed the news by sharing a tweet on his official handle.
His post said, “Welcoming the new year and the new normal, we are excited to bring #HaathiMereSaathi, #Aranya, and #Kaadan on 26th March, in a theatre near you! ” The film is going to be a multilingual feature and has been named ‘Kaadan’ for its Tamil release and ‘Aranya’ for Telugu release.
See the post here:
Welcoming the new year and the new normal, we are excited to bring #HaathiMereSaathi, #Aranya, and #Kaadan on 26th March, in a theatre near you! #PrabuSolomon @PulkitSamrat @TheVishnuVishal @zyhssn @ShriyaP @ErosSTX @ErosMotionPics @ErosNow
— Rana Daggubati (@RanaDaggubati) January 6, 2021
‘Haathi Mere Saathi’ is being directed by Prabhu Solomon and will centre around the life of a man who is protective about the jungle and the animals that live in it. Stars like Pulkit Samrat, Zoya Hussain and Shriya Pilgaonkar will also be in crucial roles in the film.