Mumbai: Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor have locked the headlines together when it was informed that the actors may soon be seen together over silver screen with the upcoming movie “Udta Punjab.”
As per the gossip, Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan have signed the movie “Udta Punjab” but in relation to this no official statement has yet been reached media.
When media had a conversation with Shahid Kapoor regarding his pairing with Kareena Kapoor then He said, “I have never said no to work with Kareena.”
Along with this when media professional asked Shahid – Are you sharing screen with Kareena Kapoor in Udta Punjab” then he added, I am there and that’s all I know. Rest the film’s producer and director will reveal when the time will come.
Well, we all know the bolding between Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor starting from their Bollywood projects like Fida, 36 China Town, Milenge Milenge, Chup Chup Ke and many more to the private MMS kissing video.
Let’s wait for the update and Stay connected with