Mumbai: Television actor turned Bollywood actor Karan Singh Grover, who came under limelight with the popular show “Qubool Hai”. The actor grabbed the attention of the fans with the exit from the show and fans love never faded for the actor and got more popularity in his professional life.
Then actor Karan Singh Grover entered the Bollywood industry with movie Alone with actress Bipasha Basu and the movie did great at the box office.
As per the latest, soon actor Karan Singh Grover is going to get busy with the upcoming movie Hate Story 3 with Daisy Shah, Zarine Khan, Sharman Joshi and the fans are very excited to see the actor back on screen. The fans excitement can be seen over the social networking. If sources are to be believed then the movie is going to have many intimate scenes.
Apart from Bollywood actor Karan Singh Grover has been seen endorsing a show brand Warrior Safety Shoes.
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