Mumbai: Actor Sharman Joshi, who was noticed under media discussion when it was officially informed that the actor is a part of Hate Story upcoming sequel with Daisy Shah, Zarine Khan and Karan Singh Grover but now it has been disclosed that the actor is out of the team.
Yes, it has been revealed that actor Sharman Joshi has been replaced with popular television turned Bollywood actor Gurmeet Choudhary.
When we asked the officials regarding the reason for the replace then they said, Sharman Joshi has few date problems and few schedule was clashing with two of his other films. Along with this director Vishal Pandya said, it was a mutual decision and after the final script, they realized that Sharman did not fit the role that was offered to him.
Well, actor Gurmeet Choudhary is one film old in the industry but his fan following is very high and apart from all this we are going to see two popular television actors turned Bollywood actors i.e. Gurmeet and Karan Singh Grover.
After this decision it can be said that the popularity of Karan Singh Grover and Gurmeet is surly going to help the producer.